
vermware is a systems engineering firm specialising in business process optimisation and digital automation techniques with a strong adherence to open standards and technical correctness in its solutions. Our broad in-house expertise allows us to satisfy your business needs without compromise in regard to performance, security and sustainability.

By developing our own systems and infrastructure from the ground up the amount of third parties is reduced to the absolute minimum. You always talk directly to an engineer who knows your unique business needs, your exact situation, the current system layout, and the solutions to the task at hand. No more being passed from pillar to post.

As vermware provides tailor-made services instead of loose-fitting packages please email us at, no strings attached. Knowledge of your unique business needs is what drives us to deliver the most optimal solutions.

vermware is also able to assist your team with its expertise. Whether it be analysis, development, infrastructure, networking, security, tooling, automation, backup strategy or general consultancy. Expertises are among the following:

Please send your inquiry by email to for additional information. End-to-end encrypted and authenticated email is possible using OpenPGP. Use our public key and attach yours to allow for our reply.